Monday, November 28, 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011: Panic Time Part 3: Now It Gets Serious

Some panic I pulled last night. I only wrote about 4,800 words. I need to write over 7.8K words a day for the next three days if I want to get my sixth consecutive NaNoWriMo victory. Today I’m going to down a couple energy drinks and write over 10K.

So what happened? I suspect the dreaded Inner Editor kicked in and kicked the muse out of my brain, even before I reached 5K words. He got me playing PlayStation games again. Time to give him the boot again and cajole the muse back.

I have more than enough distractions in my apartment: books, videogames, videos, music albums, musical instruments. The Internet itself is more than distraction enough. Hell, there’s always something poised to take over my brain and make me think about stuff instead of actually writing. No time left for any of that, though. I have much writing to do.

As for Spanner Book 2, I need to stop thinking about it until December 1. In fact, due to NaNoWriMo-related constraints (namely, writing those last 23,000 words in three days), I’ll have to delay the last installment of Chapter 24 for one more day, till December 1, when everything I write in Chapters 24 through 46 in December counts for NaNoFiMo. And I’ll go back to posting new installments daily, which will motivate me to write at least 100,000 words during FiMo, and then maybe 100,000 more to finish off Book 2 for JanNoWriMo.

But until then, I need to keep my focus on Chapters 47 through 69. Spanner Book 3 needs just 23,000 more words, and then I can lay it aside until JulNoWriMo and AugNoWriMo, when I can go back, finish it, and get it out of the way so I can start on Book 4 (Chapters 70 through 93) next NaNo.

Anyway, back to writing. 10,000 words or more, here I come…

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