Saturday, December 15, 2012

Spanner R4 Update: The Structure of Chapter 14

So here's what I'm doing in Spanner Chapter 14: I'm taking the original scenes from the Second Revision version that I haven't moved to earlier chapters, adding some new scenes, and embedding flashbacks in them, largely condensed from earlier chapters in Book 1 and the still unwritten Book 0. Some flashbacks will give some of the backstory behind "Anonymity Is Freedom", "The Return of Alice Company", "Lucie's Escape", and other threads new to Revision 4. This flashback episode is all about context building, and the chapter that needs all this new context most is Chapter 15.

It maps something like this:

main scene
main scene

...and so on. That's just a sample of what I'm doing. Instead of giving the date of each flashback (too hard a task, really; that in itself could take a month or even a year), I'm going to introduce each flashback sequence with the label "flashback", or "scenario" (a term I took from my Project Notebooks) for hypothetical scenes used as if they were flashbacks.

As for the scenes themselves: I'll be condensing some of those still left from the far simpler Revision 2 version, then putting new flashbacks in them. I'll expand a few scenes. A few I've already transferred in from other chapters, such as the Project Notebook scene in which Leila hugs a lonely Asian girl — though I'm greatly expanding that so that the girl is now Daisy Kwon, and back in 2013 she was one of the ninja girls who fought alongside Alice Company against the invading horde led by Emir Yusuf Kony, and Jennifer was the company's platoon commander: a simple scene I recorded in the Notebooks is now far more complex and incorporates the new R4 thread. In a new scene, the cute monfighter boy Akane reveals to her that he knows her by her Korean-Japanese name (Hinagiku Kon) and hero-worships her; she scorns him because he hasn't faced evil head-on, and he replies, yes he has: Mark Bernkastel from Chapters 4 and 5 — his stepfather. And he'll be the one to give Shira or Jennifer the latest revision of the Demon-Summoning Program from Digital Devil Story, which has Lovecraftian connections that point right back to the archvillain Henry Becket and also brings into the story for the first time the real-life hacker subculture of Chaos Magick. I'm currently pursuing trains of thought like this; you don't have to understand any of it yet.

So, the structure will be pretty complex. If it resembles anything, it'll be the experimental Interludes, as if they were exploding into the main narrative. There will, of course, be some shocking revelations. I've been expecting to take a long time structuring it, but if some of those Interludes are any indication, I could very possibly whip it out in a frenzy of inspiration. Stay tuned...

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